Welcome to our school's website
Welcome to Freezywater St. George's Primary School. We are a one-form entry Church of England school located in North East Enfield. We are privileged to have children from a range of linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
We are very proud of our school, both children and staff, who try their hardest to promote a happy, caring and Christian learning environment. We strive to ensure all pupils achieve their full potential and everyone feels they belong and can flourish within the school community. This is underpinned by our school vision which is central to all we do.
Please take time to view our policies and practice and if you are considering Freezywater St George's as the school for your child, come and visit us.
Mrs Sheehan
Executive Headteacher
Nursery Places
We are very excited that our new part-time Nursery provision will be opening in September 2024! This will offer 15 hour per week afternoon placements for 3 and 4 year olds. If you are interested in applying for a place, please contact the school office.
We are proud to have been recognised as an Excellent Church School
(SIAMS June 2019)
We are proud to have been recognised as a 'Good' School
(Ofsted July 2022)
Our Child Protection Officers
Our Value of the Month
Each month we focus on a specific value which we discuss with our children in the hopes that it can help us all be better citizens. Every value is supported with a verse from scripture to link to our Christian principles and learning.
Our overarching school value is:
Respect and Reverence
Our monthly focus values are: Peace, Courage, Trust, Generosity, Friendship, Responsibility, Truthfulness
Perseverance, Humility and Honesty
These values permeate Collective Worship and Assemblies together with PSHE lessons, but more importantly, everyday life in school and support our school vision. They are linked to Rights and Responsibilities and are promoted amongst all members of our school community – including governors and parents.
March's Value is:
Trust - “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16:10 (The Parable of the Shrewd Manager)
We also respect the British Values of DRIL:
Democracy, Respect, Individual Liberty and (Rule of ) Law
There is no place in our school for prejudice or extremism.
At Freezywater St George’s CE VA Primary we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children, in line with the duty placed on us by section 175 of the Education Act 2002.
We strongly believe that all children have the right to feel safe and to be protected from physical, sexual or emotional abuse and neglect.
At our school safeguarding encompasses:
- Child protection
- Safer recruitment
- Managing allegations against members of staff
- Adhering to the Child in Need process
- Online Safety
- Prevention of Radicalisation
- Safeguarding against under-achievement
Safeguarding is also supported by our approach to behaviour management, our response to managing bullying, our response to caring, our response to children who are absent from school and our health and safety procedures. These are documented in separate policies.
We aim to work well in partnership with parents/carers and any other appropriate agencies to promote the welfare of our children. If you would like some more information about internet safety please follow this link: Thinkuknow
Rights Respecting
We are fully committed to a Rights Respecting School ethos and are creating the conditions for a rights respecting culture. This is to build on our values driven ethos to enrich and broaden the curriculum.
Our curriculum is constantly being monitored and designed to reflect the needs of the children, not only in terms of knowledge and skills but in attitudes both local and global and to the learning of skills essential for life.
We promote a Value of the month across the school and in weekly newsletters.
Through a Rights Respecting Christian ethos, we aim to install in our children a belief in themselves, to nurture their self-esteem and, above all, to embrace their responsibility to respect the rights of others. This in turn helps them to learn how to formulate, express and listen to opinions, helping to raise achievement and self-confidence.