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School Priorities 2024-2025

year 1 fruit(1)

Our school priorities very much focus around our vision, with our targets linking back to supporting all pupils ‘…… fulfilling their full potential and achieving their dreams and aspirations.’ Central, is the importance of the whole child, helping them to grow in ‘Heart, Mind & Spirit.’  

Leadership and Management

  • Establish the governing body and related structures and roles linked to the newly created federation.
  • Continue to promote partnership working (within the Federation) to support FWSG and St James in all areas such as: Financial, Professional Learning, Peer to peer support and quality of teaching and learning.
  • Support all staff to develop within their career aspirations through bespoke professional development opportunities.
  •  Curriculum leaders to continue to develop their understanding of the quality of teaching and learning within their subject through observation, using the findings to inform and drive their in-class support.

Behaviour & Attitudes

  • Continue to monitor and develop our safeguarding provision, procedure and practice across the school.
  • Implement the new expectations nationally for attendance.
  • Further embed the use of the zones of regulation.
  • Further develop the Reflective Parenting Programme in order to engage a wide range of parents and carers across the school.

Quality of Education (Intent, Implementation & Impact)

  • In some areas the curriculum is overloaded with content. This affects how well pupils learn and remember what they are taught. Leaders need to refine further the essential content in some foundation subjects so that pupils learn and remember even more. (OFSTED)
  • The computing curriculum is underdeveloped. Pupils’ understanding in this subject is inconsistent. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum programme for computing is strengthened so that pupils have more effective opportunities to build their knowledge and skills securely over time. (OFSTED)
  • Embed recent changes to the English curriculum, with a particular focus on reading comprehension in KS2 and spelling across the school (in order to increase the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard in both English and Maths at the end of KS2).
  • Review assessment tools and processes to ensure that these are still fit for purpose and effective in supporting pupil development across the curriculum.
  • To develop further opportunities for  spiritual development within the curriculum. (SIAMS SEF IQ2).
  • Achieve the Autism Inclusion Award, demonstrating excellence in education provision for pupils with Autism.


  • Share with other schools, the excellent work that has been developed around supporting strong mental health and wellbeing for pupils and adults within the school community to enrich the lives of others. (SIAMS target)
  • Continue to live out the vision and values within the school to impact on all areas of school life. (SIAMS SEF IQ1)
  • Further build on the themes of  justice and responsibility and grow an awareness of the wider world. (Global Neighbours accreditation) - (SIAMS SEF IQ5)
  • Continue to develop partnership working in relation to personal development opportunities, such as social and functional skills, sports etc.

Early Years Development

  • Increase the percentage of pupils in Reception reaching GLD.
  • To have a continued focus on providing early intervention for pupils with SEND to ensure they make the best possible progress from their starting points.
  • To continue to increase opportunities to enhance pupils language and vocabulary development.
  • Open a school-based Nursery provision in September 2024, extending our high-quality Early Years provision (in order that it is accessible to a greater number of children from the age of 3).
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