As a Church of England school we provide religious education and daily collective worship for all registered pupils and promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development in accordance with the Law.
This school has at its foundation the provision of education in accordance with the teaching and doctrine of the Church of England.
As a school we believe worship to be an act of adoration, reverence or veneration offered to God for his activities in the world which forms an integral part of our identity and the education provided by this school. Regarding the RE curriculum however, in a Church of England school, religious education (RE) should be non-confessional and is considered an academic subject.
Our RE Curriculum follows the LDBS scheme, Please see below for more information:
The intent of the LDBS syllabus:
Ability to be critical thinkers
Ability to engage critically with texts
Ability to ask deep and meaningful questions
Ability to make connections within and across religions and worldviews
Ability to reflect, respond and express their own religious, spiritual and/or philosophical convictions
Ability to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief based on a deep knowledge and understanding of religions and worldviews, belief systems, values and practices.
To offer units of learning that:
To ensure the teaching of RE supports and enhances:
Implementation of the LDBS syllabus
Within every unit of learning the following steps take place as part of the learning process:
Enquire: Engage with a big question and subsidiary questions. All questions will be rooted in one of the disciplines of RE: Theology, philosophy or human/social science
Investigate/explore: What is the religious content and context being explored? How deep can we go? This ‘explore’ stage of the enquiry is where children will be primarily learning about religion and belief. In order for this to be effective there are some strategies that can be used to ‘deepen’ learning:
Evaluate/communicate: What is our understanding of the concept? What impact does the concept have on the lives of believers? What difference does this belief/practice make? The aim of this part of the enquiry is to encourage dialogue about the learning. Children should use skills of analysis and evaluation. The focus should be on the impact of the belief or practice on the religious or belief community being studied.
Reflect on/express: What is our understanding and response to the enquiry question when considered from the perspective of the faith and belief traditions that have been encountered? What is our personal response? It should be always based on knowledge and understanding, not values or SMSC development.
Impact of the LDBS syllabus:
To view our RE School Policy please click this link.
For a breakdown for individual year groups, please click this link for our overview.
For further information, please click this link to view the LDBS website