Welcome to Year 2 St Teresa
Class Teacher: Miss Selina Pereira & Mrs Maria Darby
Our Class Saint
St Teresa was born in Spain. As she grew older she devoted her life to God through prayer and helped to establish convents. Her feast day is the 15th October and she is the Patron Saint of headache sufferers and Spanish Catholic writers.
"Prayer is an act of love; words are not needed. Even if sickness distracts from thoughts, all that is needed is the will to love." - St Teresa of Avila
Our Class Values
Year 2's class values are 'Trust'. and 'Truthfulness' The value of trust is celebrated in December and the value of truthfulness is celebrated in June.
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” - Luke 16:10
“God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” - John 4:24
Please refer to the PowerPoint below and the video link on advice of how the Year 2 SATs will run and how best to support your child
End of year expectations
English in Year 2
Year 2 Learning
Where would you prefer to live: England or Kenya?"
Yr 2’s Geography topic for the Autumn Term is “Where would you prefer to live: England or Kenya?” They will be locating and finding out about both localities and what makes each a special and attractive to place to live, comparing their key features, climate and way of living. This will include looking at maps to locate London and comparing old maps with new maps.
Why did London burn?
In the Autumn Term 2 Yr. 2’s history project will be “Why did London Burn?” Within this topic they will study and learn about the Great Fire of London – how it happened and the subsequent rebuild of London and be able to place these events on a timeline.
We will be following the Rising Stars maths. We will focus on a range of maths concepts which will last between 1-2 weeks. In Autumn 1, we will focus heavily on place value. Children will then move on to fact families focusing on addition and subtraction and how these two calculations interact with each other. Finally, we will study shape, focusing on symmetry, 3D shape and patterns. During in Autumn 2, children will begin to look at multiplication and division. They will then move on to extend their learning on addition, subtraction and fractions. Finally, they will look at measures of length and temperature.
We will learn about the story of our class Saint - St Teresa - and what it is that makes a person a Saint. We will learn about her journey in becoming a Christian and how important she has been to the Christian faith. We will be focusing on prayer, the importance of the Lord's Prayer as a celebration of God, and how the words of this prayer guide us in our worship and how we live as Christians. In Autumn 2, we will discuss what we can learn from the lives of Saints (in particular our school saint) and how we can use some of these things in our own lives to make us better Christians. We will also look at the Christmas story and the importance of light, the Christingle and the symbols of Christmas.
In terms of writing expectations, children in Year 2 will need to be able to demonstrate the following skills independently: Say, write and punctuate simple and compound sentences. Use full stops, capital letters, question marks, exclamation marks and inverted commas (speech marks) correctly. The children will learn to use descriptive language and will use joined up handwriting with commas and letters in their correct places. They will learn to use past and present tense with varying word choices for adjectives and nouns e.g. gigantic egg, ferocious tyrannosaurus.
What is your habitat?
Our Snap Science units in the Autumn Term will be ‘What is in your habitat?’ We will focus on habitats and food chains using books and our local environments to identify how animals survive and how habitats change.
Materials: Good choices?
In Autumn 2, through various investigations, we will be identifying and comparing the suitability of a variety of everyday materials including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses.
In our English lessons we will cover a range of fiction and non-fiction genres, which will be linked to our topic. We will link English closely with our history and geography learning starting with listening to, retelling and writing traditional English tales and African Anansi folk tales. During Autumn 2, the children will learn to write a diary and a newspaper report based on The Great Fire of London. They will end the term by using play scripts leading up to our Christmas production (if permitted due to Covid-19). The children will have weekly Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling focus which will be supported by our phonics programme of study called Read Write Inc. Spelling, Grammar. Spellings will go home weekly to learn and be given out on a Tuesday and tested the following Tuesday giving the children a week to learn and practice their spellings at home supported by learning in the classroom.
In Year 2, the children will continue to have guided reading sessions in small groups, individual and whole class reading opportunities. To further support reading, we will read a class book every day. Each child will be given a ‘reading day’ to change their books and read to an adult.
We will start our Computing unit with the theme ‘We are Zoologists’ which will link with our maths and geography units and we shall be using the programme: 2simple and 2graph to change their written research about Kenya and England into graph form to make it easier to read and more visually appealing to a reader.
In Autumn 2, our focus will be: ‘We are Journalists’ and we shall create a newspaper report on The Great Fire of London - this will increase the children’s keyboard skills and they will learn how to stay safe online.