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On Thursday, Year 3 led collective worship and taught us all about their class saint - Saint Veronica and what it means to show courage. They sang beautifully as a class and we were also treated to amazing solo performances from Brenda and Kyrah who were fantastic!

Thank you to all of our parent/carers who came along and supported the children; also, a huge thank you to Father Vince and Mrs Croci for all of their hardwork.



YR3 CW 1
YR3 CW 2
YR3 CW 3
YR3 CW 4


On Thursday, Year 4 led collective worship and shared with us their class value of Generosity and what it means to them. They told us the story of Elijah and the Widow, 1 Kings 17:7-16

The story of Elijah and the widow demonstrates that giving is ultimately an act of trust in God’s promises and provision. In this story, when resources were scarce, the widow had to lean into God and trust Him. She had to distrust what her physical eyes were seeing and put her faith in the one who could not be seen.

We were also treated to some brilliant acting and wonderful singing from the children.

A special thank you to Miss Peters and Mrs Ciceu for all of their hard work!



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