Welcome to Year 5 St Peter
Our Class Saint
St Peter was originally called 'Simon' but Jesus gave him the name Peter which means 'rock' as he wanted Peter to be the 'rock' upon which The Church was founded. St Peter was one of the twelve disciples and spread the word of Christ. His feast day is celebrated on the 29th June and he is the Patron Saint of fishermen, net makers, and ship builders.
"you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." - 1 Peter 2:5
Our Class Value
Year 5's class value is 'Responsibility'. This value is celebrated in March.
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” - Proverbs 22:6
End of Year Expectations
English in Year 5
Year 5 Learning
Famous American Artists
In art, we will be looking at two famous American artists – Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock – and the children will explore their different styles of pop art. We shall also be looking at the unit ‘Famous Artists – Every picture tells a story’. Looking at a range of different artists and building upon their skills within art. Later on in the term we shall be focussing on Design and Technology and will be designing and creating pop up books for sale at our Christmas market.
Poetry and Greek Myths
In English we shall be starting off the year with a poetry unit. The children will learn to write their own poems with pictures linked to eyewitness accounts in the first person narrative. At the end of the first half term – while celebrating Black History Month) we shall write a biography on Barack Obama using persuasive letters. Throughout the term, the children will engage in information texts on a weekly basis, as they complete tasks for humanities. In addition, we will read the novel written by the American Author: Louis Sacher ‘There’s a Boy in Girls Bathroom’. Later on in the term we shall be looking at a range of Greek Myths. Nearer to Christmas, we will write a nativity story through our RE Lessons.
Humanities (History & Geography)
What’s so special about the USA?’.
Yr. 5 will be focussing on ‘What’s so special about the USA?’. We shall study the geography of America and will explore American culture, art and sport. We shall then shift our focus to Barack Obama and Black Lives Matter and will be asking the question “Why was Barack Obama important to America and what are his views on ‘Black Lives Matter’?
Ancient Greek
We shall then move onto: ‘What was the impact of Ancient Greece’? We shall be looking at the different myths and legends, texts and writing as well as persuasive writing.
Numbers in real life, addition, subtraction and methods of multiplication and division
In maths we will be following the Rising Stars unit programmes which cover the objectives of the national curriculum. We shall be focusing on: Numbers in real life, methods for addition and subtraction, methods for multiplication and division, triangles and other polygons and different types of numbers and mental and written meth
What do the miracles of Jesus teach and What do the Monastic Traditions within the Church of England show us?
In our RE lessons we shall start by learning about our class saint: St Peter. We shall then move onto ‘‘What do the miracles of Jesus teach?’ looking at the importance of miracles and how they have shaped our belief system. We will then go on to look at ‘What do the Monastic Traditions within the Church of England show us about living in community?’ followed by ‘How do Art and Music Convey Christmas?’ to end our terms RE learning.
Space our Solar System and Marvellous Mixtures
The first half of term will be spent looking at space and our solar system. Our topic ‘What’s Beyond?’ explores the different planets, what is a year, a day, the seasons, the time around the world and the moon. We shall then move onto ‘Marvellous Mixtures’ and will carry out investigations on separating materials and will look at a range of mixtures. The children will learn how to work scientifically and will plan out their own investigations. We will then accurately record our results and be able to draw conclusions from our findings.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
This area of the curriculum covers history, geography, science, IT and DT skills. During the first half of the term we shall be focusing on geography and will be developing our map skills – gaining an understanding of latitude and longitude and learning states and their capital cities.
We shall then move on to our computing project: “We are bloggers”, the children will become astronauts and will create a blog documenting their journey around or solar system. After this, we shall move onto the topic: “We are advertisers” where we shall be designing adverts and programmes for up coming events.