Art and Design and Technology (DT)
Curriculum Statement (Intent)
Intent – what are we trying to achieve?
At Freezywater St. George’s we are passionate about the arts in all forms and believe art is a vital part of the curriculum, not only on an academic level but also as a means of expression, supporting pupils in both their emotional and creative development. As a church school spiritual opportunities such as moments of awe and wonder are also of vital importance, with art allowing pupils to grow in ‘Heart, Mind & Spirit’ as stated in our vision.
Through six art strands (drawing, painting, collage, textiles, 3D modelling & printing) pupils develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of different mediums, art forms, artists, history and the language of art to develop themselves as both artists and art critiques.
Through the different areas of Design and Technology (structures, mechanisms, electrical systems, cooking and nutrition, and textiles, pupils learn the skills of designing, making and evaluating, whilst also developing their technical knowledge.
It is our aim that our Art and DT curriculum is engaging, comprehensive and skills-based, enabling pupils to gain the practical, hands-on experience that helps them embed their learning.
The Teaching of Design and Technology (Implementation)
Art and DT are each taught for 3 half terms per year, on an alternating programme (see curriculum map below). Units may be delivered as weekly sessions, or blocked over a day or a few days to enable the children to immerse themselves fully in their project or creation.
Pupils are taught the knowledge and skills outlined in the map below.
In DT, there is always a purpose behind a design and creation, and a target audience; we aim to make this as meaningful and relevant as possible for the children. There are therefore opportunities to carry out practical research, try out their designs, or test what they have made in a real-life context.
In Art, we showcase pupils' work as much as possible, and often organise special events for this purpose.
The Impact of Art and DT Learning
We teach Art and DT in a logically sequenced way, so that it is possible to really see the progression of knowledge and skills as pupils move through the school. The impact of their learning is evident in their sketchbooks and in their DT designs, which show the use and application of increasingly complex skills as pupils travel into each year group.
We aim for all pupils to leave our school in Year 6 with the knowledge and skills that they need to be successful in accessing the Art and DT curriculum at KS3 and beyond.
curriculum overview
Please find below an overview of our Art and DT curriculum, as well as knowledge and skills maps, which show how pupils progress over the course of their primary learning journey.