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Our Vision Statement

Our vision is: Through God’s grace all members of our community will grow in heart, mind and spirit. We believe in ourselves, others and our faith which will allow us to reach our full potential and achieve our dreams and aspirations.

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

We are a Rights Respecting School

We are fully committed to a Rights Respecting School ethos and are creating the conditions for  a rights respecting culture. This is to build on our values driven ethos to enrich and broaden the curriculum.

Our curriculum is constantly being monitored and designed to reflect the needs of the children,not only in terms of knowledge and skills but in attitudes both local and global and to the  learning of skills essential for life.

We promote a Value of the month across the school and in weekly newsletters. 

Through a Rights Respecting Christian ethos, we aim to install in our children a belief in themselves, to nurture their self-esteem and, above all, to embrace their responsibility to respect the rights of others. This in turn helps them to learn how to formulate, express and listen to opinions, helping to raise achievement and self-confidence.

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